So the guy who is especially close with Billy Bill has HVAC specialty -- a la creating tunnels and passages and large, hidden compartments within and between buildings and disparate rooms -- authorized Epstein to enter the White House 7 times while Slick Willy was prez, and suddenly feels suicidey and kills himself in the least likely way ever. Then the grieving family instantly knows so surely that no foul play could be involved that they make sure no one can ever access the crime scene data, like grieving people do every time their family member kills themselves by hanging while shotgunned to the chest. It is so easy to shoot oneself in the chest with a shotgun while hanging from an electric cord from a tree, isn't it? As a cherry on top, Killary's first law firm handled the sealing of the records by the family. Double cherry topper: a close friend and business partner of Hanging Chest Wound Middleton ALSO KILLED HERSELF WITH AN ELECTRIC CORD. Admittedly, she tied the cord to a giant, concrete block and threw herself in the river nearby, but you know, they didn't want to copy each other's suicide TOO much, just enough so that anyone in the know would understand you don't fuck with the mean just enough for anyone to know just how close they were. Yeah. Totally that. Everything is just a coincidence, go back to sleep. Epstein totally also killed himself. Psychopaths are not raping children and running the world while sacrificing to Moloch. Goodnight.
This blast from the past will NEVER get old - the madness of water explored in depth by your Rogue Ways peeps: Jeff PeteyWheatstraw, Brett Lloyd Tucker, and Derek Nighstocker Murphy!
My good friend and teacher, the man of a million skills and techniques, the master of philosophy, medicine, healing, and alchemy, and a brilliant mind gracious enough to share with all of us - Phoenix Aurelius is back to talk to us about all things magic tonight on Rogue Ways!
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