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December 04, 2022
The Black Pill

The Black Pill comes after the Red Pill, in the series of awakenings on the socio-political front. The Red Pill gets you out of the matrix of media, government, educational, pharmaceutical, religious and other lies you had become ensnared within and by which you had been pacified. Suddenly you see that the media lies outright and by omission, promotes industry giants’ agendas, covers for criminal government corruption and even covers for exceptional pedophilia and human, gun, and drug trafficking operations. The rest crumbles bit by bit, as well. You see that education never taught you what you truly needed to understand in order to thrive as a human being on Earth. You understand that the medical industry wants you sick and tired in order to continue to medicate you forever… You see that your religious leaders are corrupted liars, as well. Nothing had ever been sacred.

The Red Pill wakes you up to all of it, and the usual response to this stage is one of ACTION. These are those who have awoken and start screaming at everyone about the chemtrails and the EMF poisoning and how we have to DO SOMETHING NOW! They won’t let you rest because you need to go with them to the committee or the organizing meeting and you have to talk to them endlessly about the details of the things you knew three decades ago, because they are SURE that you must not know, or else you’d have already been fighting, like they are.

This is the Red Pill.

Then comes the Black Pill. Once you’ve expressed your zeal for long enough and seen that there have been infiltrators sent into every group of action you’ve found or even those you’ve created yourself, once you’ve understood the many psy-ops — like Q — meant to suck in the newly awakened, once you’ve found the wolves in sheep’s clothing pretending to be your fellow awoken, you take the Black Pill.

You believe there is no hope. You see the entire world as a pile of worthless sheep, led to their own slaughter, unwilling to wake up and fight, choosing to go down easy, and ruining it for everyone else. You see that the infamous “they” — whether you’ve landed on Zionists, Club of Rome, Committee of 300, Bilderberg, the UN, G20, G8, Ashkenazi, Khazarian, Nephilim, Satanists, Luciferians, or any of the millions of other possibilities — the infamous “they” have thought of everything.

There are no safe havens, no good actors, no white hats, and no possible moves forward they haven’t already planned for, around which they’ve obviously set up infallible traps. This is when the Black Pill truly sets in and you look at every single event, movie, commercial, drug, politician, actor, and organization as part of the plot in a hopeless world where nothing good is possible.

Ego and fear are the roots of the energies that keep you in the Black Pilled state of rejection. Your ego demanded you do something, that you fight, that you work to balance the wildly imbalanced, but you couldn’t do it. In this perceived failure, you can’t accept your powerlessness or lack of capability, so you blame it on the world and project it outwards. It is a standard set of coping mechanisms.

The fear controls you, here. Because beyond this you expect that, should there be any path forward, it is one you are not actually willing to take. It may involve death or worse, it may involve aspects of life you consider supernatural and you have long since been trained out of accepting anything seemingly wonderful or magical about this Earth or your experience on it.

This is your fear controlling you and, ironically, this is yet another aspect of their plan and another control mechanism by which they keep you stuck.

This aspect of Black Pilling is similar to the classic teenagers’ nihilism, of which we all experienced directly ourselves and which we can easily see as a development stage. The teenager, should they be well developed, should go through a stage of seeing everything from a new angle, perceiving adversarial relationships where previously there had been none, moving into rejection and distrust of most relationships, and therefore plunging into deep analysis of self and reorganization of one’s own personality and orientation toward literally every aspect of existence. This is a crucial stage and it looks to us like anger, resentment, rejection, and sometimes depression or anxiety, but it is a necessary movement from ignorance into awareness and chosen identity.

The Black Pilled revert to this stage and then remain in it, again, because their ego cannot handle that there seems to be little they are capable of accomplishing, given their moral orientation and their awareness of the world stage and its actors, and because their fear compels them to give up before what is demanded of them becomes a price too high to pay…

What the nihilism of the Black Pilled ignores is the infinite possibility that has always existed on Earth, in the human experience, and in existence in general.

There’s a species of bird, the Bald Ibis, who was though to be extinct for decades and then popped up again. There’s a new type of bacteria that eats plastic and poops out harmless proteins and amino acids. There’s a new type of battery that uses less resources, lasts longer, is lighter and is safer than any ever before. There are proof of concept technologies working today that would transform the economy of the world entirely and forever, once widely adopted. We are closer than ever to fusion technology. Our DNA holds information and abilities within it that we don’t even understand, can access through various methodologies or substances, and opens up abilities in humans we never thought possible.

How can we ignore all this good?

Despite thousands, yes thousands, of years of “them” working day and night, in secret and in the open, through every possible avenue, to destroy our communities, our connection to the resources and the earth we live upon, our faith in ourselves, our understanding of who we are, our knowledge of what we are, and our grasp on where we are, we are still here, still aware, still seeing through their lies and manipulations, still growing stronger every day, and still creating what is good, true, and beautiful.

Despite the incredible work they’ve done, meticulously and in laboratories and controlled environments, over centuries to crack the psyche of the human, to work to learn to ensnare and control our minds, to understand how to sicken and poison our bodies in the most nefarious and difficult to heal of diseases, to poison us against our neighbors and communities, and to leverage the weight of a global system of messaging and destabilization against us — we are still moving forward, healing, seeing clearly, and sharing the truth while creating goodness.

These psychopaths, these broken narcissistic would-be-controllers, are scrambling, even now, to try to implement what they believe will be the final, inescapable solution to the “problem” of a free human spirit: central bank digital currencies to track and restrict your personal choices of purchasing and selling, neural implants to control even more directly your thoughts and memories, global agreements on digital passports connected to social credit scores to control your movement and freedom of connection, and forced injections indefinitely to keep you in whatever physical, mental, and emotional control they can design, forever.

They wouldn’t scramble so quickly and frantically to pull this off if they didn’t worry that there was a possibility of our breaking free and winning.

The question isn’t whether or not we can win, whether or not we are already winning and they simply do a fantastic job hiding it from us with their near complete control of communication and messaging around the world; the question is, are you willing to believe it, step into it, and return to your empowered self?

It might seem like magic to you to empower yourself, to return to your will, to step away from their systems of control, and to simply be you, speak your truth calmly and easily, be the truth without needing to control others, release the idea that you can save the world and instead save yourself, entirely and fully.

We’ve been under their spell for untold centuries, and yet a world in which every person gives up the fear and the ego that keeps them stuck in the system, afraid of the repercussions of the state and the societal pressures, and hiding until they physically die — this world is possible. And it only takes one thing to make it happen.

You choose to live in your truth, unapologetically and calmly, continuously healing yourself emotionally, mentally, and physically and trusting in your eternal Soul that you have a role to play, that your simply being HERE and being YOU is what matters, and that your choosing to do so is the best kind of infectious vector of transmission that will carry the return of the human spirit.

Others see your clear eyes, see that you aren’t afraid, see that you haven’t given up, feel that you have reconnected to something eternal and ancient, new in every moment and truly powerful: they see your self and your true will.

That is something rare and precious, indeed. It awakens a stirring that cannot be stopped. This is what “they” fear most.

We have risen despite living in the delusions and the gutters of filthy refuse of a psychopathic cabal of ancient horrors for many thousands of years…and still they fight to try to keep a lid on us.

Take the lid off.

Rise into simply being HUMAN.

Take the Black Pill. We have to. It is a developmental stage. Take it and then move through it. Move beyond it to the White Pill that sees yourself as you truly are: unbreakable even after this ancient campaign of terror and control. Move beyond it to the Rainbow Pill, which acknowledges that every single experience you’ve ever had was necessary and perfect for your own spiritual development. You are becoming, always, something more true to your essence. That is the point of existence and growth. That is the point of all movement.

Whatever you do, don’t berate people who are still exploring, listening to shills, and following the lies — your elitism is not helpful. You did this once, too. It didn’t help you to be screamed at or shamed. You can drop hints and tidbits, ask questions that may lead someone to more clarity, but otherwise let it go. It isn’t your path. They’re exactly where they need to be. You are not a psychopathic controller, so stop trying to control.

The horrors abound and you can stare at them all you want, even and especially when you’ve moved past the Black Pill stage. You can look at them and understand what is happening, why it is happening, and what it is meant to evoke or create in the world. And then you can practice your calm observance, your letting go of the need to control those experiencing the same even in a different way, and any remaining fears or ego trips that arise in your reflection.

What is more important, though, is finding something better to stare at. Find a waterfall, find a patch of earth on which to put your bare feet, find a loving heart with which to share a moment, find a place and time to create something beautiful. You develop in accordance with your will and your intention, so will toward that which you love instead of that which you hate and put your intentions and energies toward creating the methods and ways of life that satisfy you.

The best way to dismantle an outdated system is to create a better one and let the other devour itself. Out of its ashes, all will be reborn.

Take the Rainbow Pill, I believe in you.

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