Spirituality/Belief • Culture • Preparedness
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December 06, 2022

Anyone have severe cold spells from time to time? Well I finally figured out mine at least are a pre migraine symptom. I had the heat at 80, three blankets on, one of them wool, with full sweatshirt and winter hat and I was also having all these other pre migraine symptoms so I looked it up and, yep, it is a migraine symptom.

I now look back and see I had pre migraine symptoms for YEARS and never had a migraine until last year...

Allllllll the symptoms together can be almost similar to anxiety attacks I've had, in the distant past. I get weird visual shit, dizziness, exhaustion, tension and anxiety, sudden sadness, endless yawning, watery eyes, wildly sensitive sensations like even a feather touching me feels like pain... and these wildly cold chills where NOTHING can warm me up. I remember, very specifically, my first ultra cold spell ever was when I was perhaps 15. So more than 20 years later and decades of other migraine related symptoms like yawning spells and I finally have a full blown migraine.

Migraines are wild. I'm confident it is a hormonal and nervous system combo attack, somehow, and I'm going to rid myself of the toxins that encourage these attacks...

I just wanted to share in case anyone else out there is as confused as I've been!

By the way, what helps me and can sometimes stave off the ice pick or full migraine: ice on the back of the neck, niacin, ginger, feverfew, aspirin, hormone balancing herbs and magnesium

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October 27, 2020
Practical Magic with Phoenix Aurelius - Rogue Ways 4.20

My good friend and teacher, the man of a million skills and techniques, the master of philosophy, medicine, healing, and alchemy, and a brilliant mind gracious enough to share with all of us - Phoenix Aurelius is back to talk to us about all things magic tonight on Rogue Ways!

My novel "Earth: a Trough in Time" :


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Practical Magic with Phoenix Aurelius - Rogue Ways 4.20
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