Yes, not everyone celebrates Christmas. I do. I don't stop wishing a Merry Christmas to people because they may celebrate something else or nothing at all, because I'm not a codependent person and am not basing my life off of other peoples' lives.
I'm living my life as me, not you.
Yes, not everyone feels happy at Christmas. Not everyone feels happy every day of the year. Am I supposed to stop my smile in case it offends their frown? No. Again, I'm not codependent and I don't walk around projecting fake feelings in order to make other people comfortable. If those I love need something from me, they can use their words and ask me for it and, as they always have, they will find a sympathetic and supportive ear and heart with warm hugs.
I'm not going to dampen my shine in case your dimness doesn't like the light; your dimness can find its release with your choice, not with my assumptions and codependent self-limiting. Take care of yourself and be big enough to communicate.
This blast from the past will NEVER get old - the madness of water explored in depth by your Rogue Ways peeps: Jeff PeteyWheatstraw, Brett Lloyd Tucker, and Derek Nighstocker Murphy!
My good friend and teacher, the man of a million skills and techniques, the master of philosophy, medicine, healing, and alchemy, and a brilliant mind gracious enough to share with all of us - Phoenix Aurelius is back to talk to us about all things magic tonight on Rogue Ways!
My novel "Earth: a Trough in Time" :
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