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February 28, 2024
Make Ready the Temple

Truly there is no better way to invite the flourishing of your connection to your true glory and resplendence than by making ready the temple. The temple needs to be clean, not because some haughty god or goddess demands fresh scents and pleasant views – how could you understand the senses of the gods and goddesses, in any case? This is not the reason. The cleanliness and upliftment are so the energy can flow easily. Energy can only flow where the circuit is connected and open. It is as simple as this. Connect your circuit, open the pathways, and energy will flow. There is nothing else it can do but flow. It has only not flowed easily through you to this point, if it has not, because you have not allowed it and have not invited it.

You are the temple. Make yourself clean and clear. “Prepare the way and I will come,” it has been said. Trust this proclamation. Trust yourself to be the vessel of this universal energy’s flow when you step into your True Purpose.

The body itself is the fundamental foundation to the process. Is your body healthy? Is it fed and constituted by whole foods, untainted by alteration and unnecessary processes? Nature provided all you need. Are you celebrating that natural abundance by utilizing it for the upliftment of your body? Do not worry about perfection, the vessel does not need to be perfect. Especially at the beginning, the vessel simply needs to be supported in clarifying itself. Your body knows exactly what to do when you supply it with fresh, whole, unaltered foods and clean, pure water. When you are truly aligned, you will also imbue your foods and waters with the pure heart energy that flows through your love and appreciation of it. You bless your food and water simply by knowing that it is also of God, of God’s love, and is given to you by the simple abundance created by God in this place we call Nature.

Daily, it is necessary to move and give presence in motion to your body. You are made to move. Your body, like any tool, will whither as you neglect it and flourish as you give it attention and care. Your movement does not need to be intensive and aggressive, though that you are capable of such, in joy, is a beautiful aspect of life and it is good to experience rush, focus, and intensity, at times. Your movement may be slow and purposeful, meditative, or jaunty and bouncing. You simply do best when you spend time daily in movement and loving attention to your physical needs.

Let your temple be open, uplifted, and clean by enjoying and celebrating the simplicity of the abundant and natural world around you, truly and in every moment and bite, every sip and pause. Let your body move daily in pleasant motion that stretches and works the whole body. This is how you create a clean temple, starting with the body.

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